Impact-Focused Mindset in the Workplace

When working in a team, we operate either from a Self-focused Mindset or an Impact-focused Mindset (The Arbinger Institute, n.d.). When operating from an inclusive, Impact-focused Mindset, our actions are naturally more helpful to others. Here are some habitual patterns that are indicative of an Impact-focused Mindset:

  1. Catching yourself making assumptions about others.
  2. Instead of taking things personally, being curious to understand the needs, objectives, and challenges driving other people’s actions.
  3. Making the time to connect with others to better understand what their current needs, objectives, and challenges are.
  4. Asking for KISS Feedback from colleagues: What should I KEEP doing, what needs IMPROVING, what do I need to STOP, and what could I START doing to help you with their needs, objectives, and challenges?
  5. Helping others understand your needs, objectives, and challenges in a non-defensive way.
  6. When something goes wrong, pausing and assess your mindset before finding solutions.
  7. Helping reframe judgments from others into underlying observations, feelings, needs, and requests. When someone complains, using phrases like When ___, do you feel ___ because it is important for you that ___. Would you like ___?
  8. Aligning yourself with the needs, objectives, and challenges of the whole team.


The Arbinger Institute. (n.d.). What is an outward mindset? The Arbinger Institute.